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Q. What kind of creature is Karbel From The Beast, The Reawakening and Rampage books?
Reveal Answer
Karbel is a sabre toothed tiger – or rather he's the ghost of a sabre toothed tiger.
Did you know that sabre toothed tigers became extinct about 10,000 years ago. In Latin the beast is a Smilodon – smile!!
What kind of animal features on the cover of Deadly Hunter?
Reveal Answer
A. It's a White Wolf, also known as a Polar Wolf or an Arctic Wolf.
Did you know that adult wolves have 42 teeth? They eat all of their prey including the bones. Yummy!
Q. The adventure in Cry Danger takes place in which part of Great Britain – England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?
Reveal Answer
A. My character, Sophie heads off to Wales and lands herself in all kinds of dangers.
Did you know that the highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon which is 1,085metres (3,560feet)? Fortunately Sophie doesn't have to climb that high!
Q. What huge ghostly creature does my character Karbel meet in Rampage?
Reveal Answer
A. Karbel meet a giant, evil, bad tempered woolly mammoth – or rather the ghost of one.
Did you know that some scientists are doing experiments to try and bring the woolly mammoth out of extinction? They'd better watch out!
Q. What is the name of the canal boat in Fishing for Clues?
Reveal Answer
A. The narrowboat is called The Baloo. And it was the actual name of my brother's boat which inspired me to write this story.
Do you know another famous Baloo? Of course it's the bear in Jungle Book!
Q. What is the name of the city featured in my recent history book?
Reveal Answer
A. It's the City of Coventry – my home town. Coventry's most famous historic person is Lady Godiva.
Did you know that she rode a horse naked through the streets as a protest against a heavy tax people had to pay. It worked! Hmm, I wonder if it would work today?